Some time has passed since my last update about the study period. I was and am […]
From Taylorism to the digitalization. These days, a lot has changed and needs to be changed. […]
Residency 1 The first week of my Executive MBA class ended last Saturday. Six days full […]
Today I would like to take you with me to my new journey. The first stage is over, now it's time to stay on track and gain experience.
How can you do something positive for those around you? The tools of positive influencing.
Our mindset describes what we think how situations are and how we react from these thoughts. […]
Creativity techniques are methods of collecting ideas that are intended to support easier idea generation, i.e. […]
Don´t expect an article about the sense of life or something similar. I don´t want to […]
Who doesn’t know it? You know you need to do something, but you’re not in the […]
The desire in itself that the human is no longer an egoist. Let´s bring Self-reflection back […]